by Douglas Cupery, Church Mobilization Director at Crossroads Prison MinistriesAt Crossroads Prison Ministries, we are keenly aware of the many challenges that mass incarceration poses to the thousands of men and women we serve—and to our nation. In anticipation of the Christian Community [...]Read More
Is there hope to end mass incarceration?
I occasionally speak to churches and other Christian gatherings about my research, on the history of American religion, crime, and punishment. After I walk through the history of Christian contributions to the creation and maintenance of America’s systems of mass incarceration, I often receive some [...]Read More
The Imago Dei in Us All
Written by: Rev. Dr. Kevin Riggs & Rev. Kevin BurnsJohnny is only in the fourth grade, but he has already been labeled by his teachers as a problem. He can’t sit still. He is disrespectful. He can’t keep his hands to himself. He is picked on by other students and is constantly getting in fights. [...]Read More
The Constancy of Change
"Things are constantly changing- and you do have to set aside your list of things that need to get done for whoever is right in front of you. You have your list of things to do, and at the end of the day, you might not have done any of those things because of the people who came through the doors. [...]Read More
Reimagining Freedom & Privilege
An Excerpt from Subversive Witnessby Dominique DuBois GilliardOne day while Moses was tending Jethro’s flock, he encountered the angel of the Lord in a burning bush. As Moses investigated why the blazing bush was not consumed, God called Moses by name from within the bush. Moses responded by [...]Read More
Immigration Prayer Requests
Do you have a specific prayer request regarding immigration? Submit it here in the comments for us to pray for you at our virtual prayer meeting! [...]Read More
Does God See Us?
Does God See Us?Processing as an Asian American Practitionerby Christina FoorGrief. That is where I am sitting today as I hear the news of the murders at Atlanta spas and see another young, white, male terrorist taken into custody. I read that he was just a guy that “loved God and guns” and am numb. [...]Read More
How to Support Asians and Asian Americans in the Face of Violence
How to Support Asians and Asian Americans in the Face of Violenceby Dr. Joyce del RosarioMy social media feed has a string of reports of new uprisings of violence against Asians and Asian Americans. I was recently part of a panel gathered by an Asian American United Methodist group to discuss our [...]Read More