The 2025 CCDA conference explores how we can work together with Christ and our community to actively craft Shalom in this time marked by division and injustice where many are fearful.
Main Content
You don’t have to do this alone. Together, let’s love God & love our neighbors.

Connect to leaders living with marginalized communities.
Being a part of our association allows you to connect with, learn from, and contribute to our CCDA family across the United States, living with marginalized communities.

Catalyze your community’s assets.
As a member, you will gain access (often free!) to resources and training opportunities around the best practices in Christian Community Development.

Experience God’s shalom together.
We partner alongside God and our neighbors in the places they are already working to bring shalom to our communities – aspiring to make them places where nothing is missing and nothing is broken. We do this with networks nationwide and annually at our national conference.
Here’s what our members say:
“CCDA is family for me. Until I found this group of Jesus followers intentionally following Jesus into places most people are trying to escape, the gospel never truly made sense to me. If you are looking for a genuine representation of the Gospel that is good news for EVERYONE, our association is a great place to start!”
– Rev. Dr. Jonathan Brooks

About Us
CCDA strengthens and inspires Christian Community Development practitioners for community transformation. We want to see our communities flourish with Christians (w)holistically engaged. What makes us unique is that we commit to living out the philosophy of CCD in our lives and neighborhoods.
“CCDA has always been about centering and serving the marginalized and the poor, and that remains at the heart of who we are. I am inspired by our collective potential to create a world where everyone can flourish, as we are guided by the transformative power of God’s love and justice.”
-Dr. Lorenzo A. Watson, CEO & President

The Blog

A Look at the Immigration Landscape
Christina Foor is joined by Dr. Alexia Salvatierra and Angelica Acosta Garnett, long-time friends and practitioners of CCDA, especially in the Immigration space.

Women to Learn From This Women’s History Month
Learn from the legacy of women at CCDA through these workshops we invite you to engage during Women’s History Month.