By Mayra Macedo-Nolan, CCDA Board ChairThe majestic crown of the City of Roses, otherwise known as Pasadena City Hall, was the backdrop for two protests that drew significantly diverse crowds in support of the #blacklivesmatter movement. Dozens of faith leaders and their congregations, a couple …
To my people – the white ones,
By Michelle Ferrigno Warren,Advocacy & Strategic Engagement DirectorTo my people-the white ones,I am glad you are marching. I am glad you are feeling a sense of outrage. The movement is kindly allowing you to join so please quickly learn your place not just for this moment but for the …
CCDA’s Response in this Critical Moment
Dear CCDA Family, There are moments when it is difficult to know what to say as leaders. Many of us find ourselves in such a moment as we try to comprehend what is ever-present before us. This week, we watched as Minneapolis resident George Floyd desperately pleaded for his life, while an …
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A Story of Hope: Loving Immigrants and the Homeless during Covid-19 in Austin, TX
Pastor Aaron & Dr. Michelle ReyesIt was another hot day in Austin. Our shirts felt sticky from the heat as we hauled another 10-gallon jug of water to the homeless camp near our home. Tucked away under a major overpass in East Austin is a row of fifteen tents, each a different color and faded by …
Immigrant Communities Teach A Lesson in Faith
Reflections from Jarrett Meek, MDivPastor/Executive Director/Founder, Mission Adelante, Inc Mission Adelante did a survey of their Kansas City community during the first week of the "stay-at-home" order and found some sobering realities. There were 339 total responses; 295 responses were …
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Lent Week 7: Fostering Intimacy with Christ
Humility21 A certain man from Cyrene, Simon, the father of Alexander and Rufus, was passing by on his way in from the country, and they forced him to carry the cross. 22 They brought Jesus to the place called Golgotha (which means “the place of the skull”). Mark 15:21-22I’ll be honest, it hasn’t …
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Lent Week 6: Fostering Intimacy With Christ
Serving in the Time of Anguish!Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began …
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What are God’s People to Do in Times Like These?
This week has been a challenging one as we have dealt with the reality of what is required to prevent a devastating COVID-19 outbreak in our country. What does Christian courage look like in these challenging times? How do we help ensure that the most vulnerable in our communities are …
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