Can you think of a time when you received hospitality from someone? Maybe it was an expression of kindness, a welcoming embrace, a warm meal, or a listening ear. Perhaps it took the form of someone who supported you when you didn’t feel you deserved it, or a new friend in an unfamiliar place. Take a [...]Read More
Lenten Immerse: Silence
Silence can be an uncomfortable experience. It might feel awkward in a group setting. It can indicate tension in a relationship. However, silence can also be healthy - even necessary. Lent, a 40 day period of fasting and repentance, offers us an opportunity to practice silence and listening as [...]Read More
Lenten Immerse: Humility
Humility can seem like such a paradox: we are expected to give our best, while practicing freedom from praising ourselves. This can seem like an elusive task at times, especially in our American culture of self reliance and competition for perfection. It is difficult to detach from social media, to [...]Read More
Lenten Immerse: Self Examination
Life’s distractions have a way of steering us away from our true selves as intended by Christ. In our non-stop culture we desperately need Lent, a season meant to reset our perspectives and practices. Even when busy-ness binds our souls, Lent positions us to pause and reflect upon Christ’s work and [...]Read More
A Statement from CEO Ava Steaffens and the Board of Directors
CCDA’s vision of “Wholistically restored communities with Christians fully engaged in the process of transformation” commits us to continually work toward healthy and restored relationships. A few months ago CCDA released a Statement of Repentance. We recognize that statements of repentance need to [...]Read More
Lenten Immerse: Lament
Over the course of the next 6 weeks of Lent, CCDA is inviting you into a Lenten journey. Each week we will suggest a new spiritual discipline for you, your small group, or church to practice. Excerpts from our Immerse online curriculum will be highlighted to prompt your thoughts and lead [...]Read More
Left Out: The Redevelopment of Cabrini Green
By Daniel WalkerI recently took a tour through the old Cabrini Green area in Chicago. This once infamous low-income housing project has now vanished. Today, the area is completely gentrified with high-priced condos, beautiful parks and thriving restaurants and shops. Seeing the new community while [...]Read More
The Church’s Role in Mass Incarceration
by Dominique GilliardEvery year, Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) dedicates a week to national awareness and action to engage mass incarceration, a time where we call our members to consider what a faithful response to mass incarceration entails. Locked in Solidarity has always [...]Read More