Written by: Rev. Dr. Kevin Riggs & Rev. Kevin BurnsJohnny is only in the fourth grade, but he has already been labeled by his teachers as a problem. He can’t sit still. He is disrespectful. He can’t keep his hands to himself. He is picked on by other students and is constantly getting in fights. …
The Constancy of Change
"Things are constantly changing- and you do have to set aside your list of things that need to get done for whoever is right in front of you. You have your list of things to do, and at the end of the day, you might not have done any of those things because of the people who came through the doors. …
10 lessons to help you reimagine 2022
Looking for inspiration for your CCD ministry in 2022? Check out the top 10 most engaged with workshops from #ccdaReimagine Conference in November. These workshops will help you grow in your relationship with Christ, your identity & theology, and in loving your neighbor. Whether you are a …
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Dreams Conceived in the Waiting
Welcome to #ccdaAdvent.CCDA invites you to consider what the hope of Advent meant for the women who were a pivotal part of Jesus’s birth. Join us in a communal reflection on the very real ways Jesus’s birth and incarnation required an unexplainable hope during a season of waiting and …
CCDA Devotionals
Reimagining the ResurrectionWe grew spiritually from a devotional series by CCDA practitioners that invited us to reimagine what the resurrection means for us today.Word on the StreetThese devotionals are from CCDA practitioners like you, sharing what life is like on their streets now, …
2021 in Review
Reimagining with CCDA - 2021Stay tuned! We have exciting things planned for 2022 - in the first quarter alone, get ready for some content around Black History Month & Locked in Solidarity. You're not going to want to miss it! Loving our AAPI FamilyLearning from our Immigrant NeighborsHow do we …
The Paradox of Advent
Welcome to #ccdaAdvent.CCDA invites you to consider what the hope of Advent meant for the women who were a pivotal part of Jesus’s birth. Join us in a communal reflection on the very real ways Jesus’s birth and incarnation required an unexplainable hope during a season of waiting and …
The Waiting is Uncomfortable
Welcome to #ccdaAdvent.CCDA invites you to consider what the hope of Advent meant for the women who were a pivotal part of Jesus's birth. Join us in a communal reflection on the very real ways Jesus's birth and incarnation required an unexplainable hope during a season of waiting and …