Faith leaders unite across traditions to advocate for justice, compassion, and the vulnerable.As the sacred season of Lent begins, over 100 national faith leaders from diverse Christian traditions have issued a powerful call to return to the teachings of Jesus in a time of deepening moral and …
The Radical Practice of Foot Washing: What it Teaches Us about God & Community
My name is Joshua Brockway, and I serve as the director for spiritual formation for the Church of the Brethren. We're a denomination rooted in the radical reformation and fit somewhere between Anabaptists (Mennonites) and Pietists (Quakers or the Covenant Church). We are often called one of the …
Lent Week 6: Fostering Intimacy With Christ
Serving in the Time of Anguish!Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began …
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Lent: Fostering Intimacy with Christ
Setting Your IntentionLent is a special time. As Christians, it’s a special time to engage The Living God through intentional times of prayer, fasting, contemplation, meditation, worship and other disciplines that foster intimacy with Christ.Lent provides an opportunity to intentionally fast (give …
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Lenten Immerse: Humility
Humility can seem like such a paradox: we are expected to give our best, while practicing freedom from praising ourselves. This can seem like an elusive task at times, especially in our American culture of self reliance and competition for perfection. It is difficult to detach from social media, to …
Lenten Immerse: Self Examination
Life’s distractions have a way of steering us away from our true selves as intended by Christ. In our non-stop culture we desperately need Lent, a season meant to reset our perspectives and practices. Even when busy-ness binds our souls, Lent positions us to pause and reflect upon Christ’s work and …
Lenten Immerse: Lament
Over the course of the next 6 weeks of Lent, CCDA is inviting you into a Lenten journey. Each week we will suggest a new spiritual discipline for you, your small group, or church to practice. Excerpts from our Immerse online curriculum will be highlighted to prompt your thoughts and lead …
Woke … to “Grace”
Psalm 51:1 – “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion. The Magdalen, a Garden and This by Kathleen O’Toole She who is known by myth and association as sinful, penitent, voluptuous perhaps... but faithful to the last and then beyond. A …