by Sunny Sue Chang Jonas“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” –Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.Positive change can feel so arduous and slow. In a place like New Orleans, a city that finally felt like infrastructures and ecosystems were back on track after Hurricane Katrina …
Making Space for Latinx Voices
by Alma Lizette Cárdenas RodríguezOne of the arteries to the heart of CCDA is listening to the community. The kind of listening that creates space to listen to the groanings of the community-to sit with them. Listening to the community also allows us to reimagine, dream and contribute to making …
Reimagining Freedom & Privilege
An Excerpt from Subversive Witnessby Dominique DuBois GilliardOne day while Moses was tending Jethro’s flock, he encountered the angel of the Lord in a burning bush. As Moses investigated why the blazing bush was not consumed, God called Moses by name from within the bush. Moses responded by …
The Long Arc of Things: CCDA, Biblical Justice and the Imago Dei with Dr. Mary Nelson
The following is an excerpt from a conversation between Dr. Sunny Sue Jonas and CCDA founding member, Dr. Mary Nelson.I had the great opportunity to meet virtually with Dr. Mary Nelson this summer; we discussed things long past, and things very much present. She shared some of CCDA’s history and the …
Together for Hope’s Liminal Spaces for Rural Ministries
by Dr. Sunny Sue Chang JonasRural spaces no longer include only multi-generational, homestead-owning families. They include a different sort of marginalized population—one that feels financially and vocationally in transition. This has been true for a while with “migrant …
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Ministry Spotlight: New Community Church
After years of doing urban ministry, a 2010 conversation with gang-affiliated teens led Darryl and Stephanie Answer to contemplate what it would look like to live in a neighborhood, follow Jesus, get to know their neighbors, join what’s already going on, and see what the Spirit does. In 2011, they …
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Home Away From Home
by Alma L. Cárdenas- RodríguezSome of the most memorable moments for me growing up happened en la sala (living room), where the family would gather together. We would welcome those who had made their way from Mexico to reconnect with family members and find home in a new place, or to celebrate …
Reflections on Juneteenth
By Vola RanaivosonCohort 8 MemberLast year when I sat around the dining room table with my roommates and discussed our plans for Juneteenth, I realized I didn’t know much about this celebration. At first, I chalked it up to being a U.S. immigrant from Madagascar. However, I am a 33-year-old woman …