In the midst of our weary, dark, and broken world, we wait for the fulfillment of the impossible: light will break through, oppression will cease, peace is possible, and salvation is imminent. This legacy of belief in the Church was mothered by the most unlikely of women - Mary. This young, [...]Read More
Over the past few months, I’ve been having an on-off conversation with my dear friend Katrina, who gave me permission to include some of her reflections here. For several years, Katrina had been confronted by a painfully unanswered prayer - the kind of unanswered prayer that disorients you. It [...]Read More
Camino de Sueños: From Detroit to DC
Dear Familia, Since launching CCDA’s Camino de Sueños in Detroit on October 5th, 2017, I have been amazed at how powerfully I have sensed feelings of kinship and connectedness with others who are committed to walking with Dreamers until a new, clean Dream Act is passed by Congress. In [...]Read More
Pay Attention: Hope is on the way!
Not too long ago, I had the pleasure of enjoying dinner with some friends and acquaintances. Over the course of the meal, the conversation evolved into one regarding racial reconciliation, and how we, as the Church can engage in this divine, yet challenging, mandate. After several minutes of [...]Read More
How do I post a job on the Job Board?
Check out the recent jobs on our CCDA Job Board. Member organizations all around the world utilize our Job Board to find great candidates who are passionate about Christian Community Development work. If you aren't yet a member yet, become a member today. To post a job simply complete the [...]Read More
Locked in Solidarity and Reservoir Church
In the winter of 2015, a group of eight people gathered one evening during a blizzard at the chapel of Reservoir Church to hear the story of a friend of a friend who had been incarcerated. He shared about the trauma of separation from his family, the psychological toll of prison life, and the way he [...]Read More
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is domestic violence awareness month. One in four women will suffer domestic violence in their lifetime according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV). While domestic violence happens in every community and affects all people regardless of race, age, gender, religion, [...]Read More
En el Camino de los Sueños: La Parábola del buen Americano
Bajaba un hombre de Jerusalén a Jericó, y cayó en manos de unos ladrones. Le quitaron la ropa, lo golpearon y se fueron, dejándolo medio muerto. 31 Resulta que viajaba por el mismo camino un sacerdote quien, al verlo, se desvió y siguió de largo. 32 Así también llegó a aquel lugar un levita y, al [...]Read More