By Sunny Sue Chang JonasTransformation. We wait for His transformation. We wait in line to buy a snack, we wait for a friend to return a phone call, we wait for the day to be over, or for a new day to begin. We anticipate what’s coming next and in doing so, we wait. In fact, sometimes [...]Read More
A Letter from Interim President & CEO Dr. Mary Nelson
Dear CCDA Family,I am excited about my new role as Interim President & CEO of CCDA. Bringing over 50 years of experience in Chicago-based Christian Community Development as well as national leadership on several fronts, I am ready to serve our much needed association. Joining our strong [...]Read More
Without Walls or Borders
by Christina FoorOne beautiful piece of the Gospel is how God weaves together stories of people from all different backgrounds. In a small migrant shelter in Juarez, Mexico, people from several divergent worlds gathered together – Cuban asylum seekers, college students from both sides of the border, [...]Read More
CCDA & Value Our Families Coalition
By Jamesetta TambahOn Wednesday, July 17th, I had the opportunity to advocate in Washington D.C. on behalf of my family on the issue of immigration. I am Jamesetta Tambah, the daughter of Liberian refugees who came to the United States in the early 90’s under Temporary Protected Status (TPS). [...]Read More
Local Network Changing Culture in Knoxville
After formalizing their CCDA Local Network at the end of last year, Knoxville has hit the ground running. I had the unique opportunity to interview two of their local network connectors, Jonathan Haskell & Pastor Chris Battle. Listening to their perspectives on the amazing ways their [...]Read More
Lessons from the Journey: Pruning with Promise
By Ava Steaffens This Spring, I had the opportunity to visit with Christian Community Developers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. My trip was a chance to enjoy family time, tour housing developments, schools, youth development centers, a community college and much more. Most importantly, the time in [...]Read More
Lenten Immerse: Prayers from the Holy Land
This week’s blog contains images from Lisa Rodriguez-Watson’s recent trip to the Holy Land. These images were taken in Bethlehem on the separation wall between the West Bank and Israel. As we observe Holy Week, these images and corresponding prayers can serve as reminder of the purpose of the cross [...]Read More
Lenten Immerse: Hope
Spring - she’s the audacious, extravagant sister of all the seasons. Breaking through death, she burgeons in both vibrant and pastel hues, and her flowers emanate abundant fragrance. The sights, the smells and even the sounds of Spring can seem an exaggeration after the long darkness of [...]Read More