It’s been nine months since wildfires devastated western Maui. Nine months. The same time it takes for a term birth. The same time it takes for students to complete a school year. It seems that nine months is a duration where so much growth and development can happen. It was nine months ago that our …
I Don’t Know What To Call This
Asian AmericanASIAN AmericanAsian AMERICANI am an immigrant’s childBorn and raised in your countryI didn’t migrate myselfNo accentNo credibilityOthers see my parentsOthers hear my parentsLanguage, accents, or no EnglishThey see what I eat at homeSmell fried fish on my clothesThey see my flat noseThe …
Communal Mental Health and Healing: What We Can Learn From Spiderwebs
When I think of communal mental health, I think of how our individual mental health impacts and is impacted by the mental health of others. I see it almost like a spiderweb, with spider silk that interconnects each of us to each other. It is sticky and strong, attracting and catching not only other …
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CCDA 2024 Conference Theme: Home
Build homes, and plan to stay. Plant gardens, and eat the food they produce.Jeremiah 29:5 NLTWhat comes to mind when you think of home? What does home really mean? Every day we consider what home means for us and our neighbors. For many in our communities, home is quite literal. People need …
Redefining the Role of Faith Communities through Social Entrepreneurship
In the realm of community development, the intersection of faith, business acumen, and social justice forms a potent triad. This is particularly true for faith communities that adhere to the Christian Community Development (CCD) principles. Social entrepreneurship, an innovative approach that blends …
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10 Resources for Cultivating Flourishing Church Communities
At the heart of Christian Community Development is the body of Christ fully engaged in the process of transformation. The church is uniquely equipped to affirm the dignity, gifts, and skills of individuals and communities. We want to equip you with tools to help you, your congregations, and …
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What’s up With the Scars on Jesus’ Resurrected Body?
Jesus does a good job at turning our perspectives upside down, doesn’t He? In the Beatitudes, found in Matthew 5, Jesus says we are blessed if we do things like be poor in spirit, mourn, be merciful, and the like. Throughout the telling of the Good News, Jesus continued to shake up conventional …
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Holy Week Devotionals
This year, Lent has felt especially heavy. Violent conflict is tearing at the seams of our global family. Ideological difference and dehumanizing rhetoric exacerbated by an election season again threatens our relationships. A very natural response is to reach for power in order to protect ourselves, …