For there shall be a sowing of peace; the vine shall yield its fruit, the ground shall give its produce, and the skies shall give their dew Zechariah 8:12a (NRSV)ShalomShalom is more than just peace, more than just unity; it’s a concept encompassing wholeness, well-being, justice, development, and …
State of the Membership
As 2024 is well upon us, I’m excited to share some updates about the state of our membership. 2023 was a year of significant growth in our membership. We’ve also grown in our knowledge and understanding of our members. We're thrilled to share insights and statistics that showcase the assets of …
Building a Strong Non Profit
Building a Strong Nonprofit is a 5-Phase roadmap for new and existing nonprofits (NPs), which empowers NP leaders to construct robust nonprofit organizations that realize their vision, thereby fostering positive larger-scale transformation.Included Topics: Defining the NP, Leadership, Planning, …
CCDA 2024 Conference Theme: Home
Build homes, and plan to stay. Plant gardens, and eat the food they produce.Jeremiah 29:5 NLTWhat comes to mind when you think of home? What does home really mean? Every day we consider what home means for us and our neighbors. For many in our communities, home is quite literal. People need …
3 Ways to Maximize your CCDA Membership
CCDA has been dedicated to pursuing a common vision of seeing our communities flourish with Christians (w)holistically engaged for the past 30+ years. With over 2,000 members, CCDA aims to inspire, strengthen, equip, and connect Christian Community Development practitioners. Becoming a CCDA member …
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Living Intentionally: Perspectives On Poverty
Episode Notes2019 CCDA National Conference — Dallas WorkshopLiving Intentionally: Perspectives on Poverty — Elia MorenoThis workshop teaches how to build relationships and strengthen interactions with those living in emotional and economic poverty. Educating practitioners about the diverse …
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Marching Towards the Beloved Community
Episode NotesPresenter: Terrance HawkinsTerrance Hawkins is a husband and father of four beautiful children. A native of Winston-Salem, NC, he has served the local church and his city for the last 17 years through pastoral ministry, peace and justice activism, intercultural community building, youth …
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Worship As Resistance And Renewal
Episode SummarySandra Van Opstal, 2020 Conference, MasterclassEpisode NotesExcerpts from songsChantel Varnado -I'm all Yours - Porter's Gate - Instrument of Peace - …