It’s been nine months since wildfires devastated western Maui. Nine months. The same time it takes for a term birth. The same time it takes for students to complete a school year. It seems that nine months is a duration where so much growth and development can happen. It was nine months ago that our …
Redefining the Role of Faith Communities through Social Entrepreneurship
In the realm of community development, the intersection of faith, business acumen, and social justice forms a potent triad. This is particularly true for faith communities that adhere to the Christian Community Development (CCD) principles. Social entrepreneurship, an innovative approach that blends …
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Look! I am Doing a New Thing, Don’t You Perceive It?
Wellington Heights Community Church was birthed out of our family's living room as a group gathered to consider what it looks like to love God, neighbor, and neighborhood. We structured our time with prayer and discussion on CCDA Immerse, discerning what it may look like to embody the CCD …
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Reflections on the Theology of CCD Principles
CCDA's local network in the Pacific Northwest recently organized a compelling training session for their network members, focusing on the theology of CCD principles. The event featured Rev. Dominique Gilliard, and was held in conjunction with the highly anticipated 2023 Perkins Lecture Series. Part …
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Embracing our Journey with Disability, Neurodivergence, and CCD
by Stephanie AnswerAbout 12 years ago my husband and I got connected to the CCD philosophy when we attended CCDA’s first Immersion in 2011. We knew, at that moment, we had found our people. It was encouraging to be in a room of folks who were embodying and practicing this philosophy of ministry. I …
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Half Half
by Dr. Sunny Sue Chang JonasIn 1992, May was officially designated as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.* As an Asian American, I am grateful to stand on the shoulders of those who identified as such before us and to stand alongside those who currently identify as Asian American. We are …
Communal Stories for Community Thriving
by Chandra CraneAs a Mixed Thai-American minister working with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in the Jackson Metro area, one of the things that first drew me to the Christian Community Development Association is the emphasis on listening to the community in which we are serving. Healthy …
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Uvalde: 1 Year Later
by Christina Foor & Norma RuizRead Part 1 of this blog here.It’s been a year since the terrible mass shooting that happened in my hometown of Uvalde. Last year, I reflected on Mark 4 as a way to process the deep despair and hope I was feeling in that moment. This year, the story of the man with …