Lynette McIntosh-Madrigal is joined by Erik Mast-Foss, the Community Life Pastor at On Ramps Covenant Church in Fresno, CA, to discuss how God is moving in his community. On Ramps is part of CCDA’s Flourishing Congregations Initiative, a comprehensive four-year program that empowers church …
Becoming a Pro-Black Organization
This is an excerpt from the 2024 Conference workshop Becoming a Pro-Black Organization: A Healing-Centered Framework for Equity. Click here to download this workshop from the CCDA store.You know that line in every city between the haves and the have-nots? Cornerstone CDC is right on that …
Celebrating National Good Neighbor Day
CCDA is an association of Christians who partner with God and others to bring shalom to our neighborhoods. We love being good neighbors and providing tools, resources, and opportunities to do so. September 28th is National Good Neighbor Day, and we invite you to celebrate this holiday! Do …
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Life Together Beyond Sunday Religion and Social Activism
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And fear came upon every soul; and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common; and they sold their possessions and …
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From Expectations to Partnership
What expectations do you have of the communities you are engaged with? What expectations do the people in the communities feel are being placed on them? Do you expect to help or to partner with the individuals in your community?During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and …
Lāhainā Nine Months Later
It’s been nine months since wildfires devastated western Maui. Nine months. The same time it takes for a term birth. The same time it takes for students to complete a school year. It seems that nine months is a duration where so much growth and development can happen. It was nine months ago that our …
Look! I am Doing a New Thing, Don’t You Perceive It?
Wellington Heights Community Church was birthed out of our family's living room as a group gathered to consider what it looks like to love God, neighbor, and neighborhood. We structured our time with prayer and discussion on CCDA Immerse, discerning what it may look like to embody the CCD …
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Listening to the Community: Affirming Dignity with a Posture of Humility
“What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him. The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.” Mark 10:51 (NIV)Some people may have considered it obvious that the blind man wanted to see, but Jesus didn’t assume what the man wanted. He asked the man what he wanted. Even though Jesus, as …
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