For one week in August, a group gathered at the Southern Border for an event hosted by CCDA's Immigration Network and Abara, a CCDA organizational member. During this immersive and educational experience, participants were invited to listen, learn, and reflect on what they can learn from the border, [...]Read More
An Encouragement Toward Prophetic Imagination
Be encouraged as Daniel Kim, co-founder of Rise University Preparatory, reflects on prophetic imagination in a local neighborhood in the Bayview Hunters-Point District of San Francisco. 80% of Rise's seats are reserved for 1st to college, low-income, or Bayview resident scholars. As of June 1st, [...]Read More
5 Ways to Explore Portland While at Conference
We’re excited to have this year’s CCDA National Conference in the beautiful city of Portland! Whether you're already registered or still deciding, here are the five experiences you won't want to miss. These highlights showcase the vibrant spirit and community-focused initiatives that define our [...]Read More
Stop Grasping for Power – Start Reaching for One Another
On October 13th, after six days of navigating bomb shelters in Jerusalem, I arrived at Logan International Airport. As I shuffled toward customs I watched the sunrise over Boston. I resented its beauty because it increased the weight of privilege: I was relieved to be out of a war zone and ashamed [...]Read More
When Worship Develops a Community
If I asked you, “What’s the one thing most needed for Christian community development?” What would you say? Strategy? Relationships? Funding? These are all essential ingredients, but is there one thing that is most important? The last year and a half have taught me and others in Cleveland, OH, that [...]Read More
Preconference Events to Check Out at #ccdaPDX
I’ve been coming to CCDA’s National Conference since 2003 in New Orleans. Every year, I look forward to featuring CCD practitioners who teach from their expertise. I’ve enjoyed partnering with members to develop intensive learning opportunities in our preconference space. Having space to learn [...]Read More
Life Together Beyond Sunday Religion and Social Activism
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And fear came upon every soul; and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common; and they sold their possessions and [...]Read More
Religious Liberty, Ableism, and Racism
An excerpt from Lamar Hardwick's book, How Ableism Fuels Racism.In 1974, Larry and Sandi Zobrest gave birth to their first child, Jim, while living in Erie, Pennsylvania. Jim was diagnosed as profoundly deaf after a routine medical examination before his first birthday. Jim would later attend a [...]Read More