Reconciliation and Kinship with the Whole Community of God’s Creation
We live in a beautifully entangled, more-than-human world; and yet, Christian Community Development has tended to operate from human-centered paradigms. We want to promote CCD principles and values (reconciliation, wholism, kinship, etc.) in a more expansive sense as we encourage, resource, and promote meaningful exchange between CCD practitioners who are seeking to integrate ecologically-informed approaches into work that involves the whole Community of Creation.
Ecological Discipleship Network
We envision practitioners of community development designing their work in a way that includes all of creation to build beloved community and experience transformative kinship. God covenants with people and the earth together. When we work toward whole, mutual flourishing, we are aligned with God’s mission to renew, restore, and reconcile ALL things (Gen. 9; Col. 1; Rev. 21).
Dive Deeper into CCD by Learning from our Amazing Practitioners!
Join the CCDA Family
Membership has always been a way for us to accomplish our mission and vision. We want you to succeed in your work, so we created a structure that will sustain our work of inspiring, training and connecting individuals and organizations just like you. We are constantly striving to update and scale the resources available to our members so that you have the tools you need to complete the good work to which God has called you. Many of these member opportunities you will see below! You can join for as low as $10/month.