This blog post is part of Locked in Solidarity, CCDA's national awareness and action week on mass incarceration.What do we do when interrupting violence isn't an option? When the act has already been committed and the perpetrators are being punished? This is where I find myself: incarcerated. My …
From Expectations to Partnership
What expectations do you have of the communities you are engaged with? What expectations do the people in the communities feel are being placed on them? Do you expect to help or to partner with the individuals in your community?During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and …
I Don’t Know What To Call This
Asian AmericanASIAN AmericanAsian AMERICANI am an immigrant’s childBorn and raised in your countryI didn’t migrate myselfNo accentNo credibilityOthers see my parentsOthers hear my parentsLanguage, accents, or no EnglishThey see what I eat at homeSmell fried fish on my clothesThey see my flat noseThe …
Redefining the Role of Faith Communities through Social Entrepreneurship
In the realm of community development, the intersection of faith, business acumen, and social justice forms a potent triad. This is particularly true for faith communities that adhere to the Christian Community Development (CCD) principles. Social entrepreneurship, an innovative approach that blends …
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Redistribution in Education
Redistribution is one of the Eight Key Components of the CCD Philosophy. But what is Redistribution? And where do we begin? The following is from The Education Equity Church Partnership Guide, which was created by CCDA's #transformED Education Equity advocates. This helpful guide used our …
The Realities of Restorative Justice
For the last several years, Healing Communities PA partnered with the Metropolitan Christian Council of Philadelphia on the Restorative Cities Initiative™️, a grassroots “porch front to city hall” model of bringing restorative practices to every part of community life, particularly in BIPOC …
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Faith and Economic Cooperation
I think my life may have been built around cooperative economic activity on just about every level. This way of life led to flourishing based on everyone having a voice and ownership. I don’t believe my mom would have been able to raise us alone without our community and a place where we …
Lessons Learned Over 110 Years
Pastor Matt currently serves as one of the CCDA Economic Empowerment Network Connectors.I love to joke when I introduce Star of Hope Ministries that we’ve been around for 110 years...but I haven’t been there that long. My kids roll their eyes and groan, but it gets a chuckle from the audience EVERY. …