By Ava Steaffens

This Spring, I had the opportunity to visit with Christian Community Developers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. My trip was a chance to enjoy family time, tour housing developments, schools, youth development centers, a community college and much more. Most importantly, the time in Ethiopia gave me much needed time and space for reflection with God, in the Word and in prayer.
My daughter, son-in-law and granddaughters are currently living and working in Ethiopia.
We visited Inter-Church Urban Concern (ICUC), Birhan Social Development College, Community Based Sustainable Development Organization (CBISDO) and Addis Hiwot Integrated Sustainable Development Organization (AHISDO).
Inter Church Urban Concern was founded in 1994 by Dr. Jember Teferra, an Ethiopian sister and longtime CCDA member. In fact, throughout the years and as recent as 2014, ICUC have hosted shared Consultations with CCDA in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The ministries I saw in Addis Ababa were examples of effective partnership and collaboration amongst God’s people in the city to effectively support the poorest of the poor.
They displayed great integrity in that they were very intentional about only accepting government funding for projects that affirmed the dignity of the people of the community.
The people I met in Addis Ababa are beautiful and welcoming. They send their greetings to the CCDA community.
The following photos are glimpses of the important work that our Ethiopian sisters and brothers are doing in marginalized communities of Addis Ababa.
While in Ethiopia, God met me with a clear message about this season for CCDA. During this time of reflection I meditated on John 14-17. The passage was a great comfort and reminder that we are called to be known for our unity as believers.
Practically, as I meditated on John 15, it became clear that CCDA is going through a pruning season of its own. While at first the thought of cutting back branches and brush can feel like a loss, there is great hope in God’s promise that pruning will lead to flourishing and a new season for our association.
I hope that you will join us on this journey as we grow and experience both the pruning and the flourishing together.
What a beautiful thing when so many people with a heart for the marginalized energize each other in the same room. Get closer to God and the calling He has placed on your heart by hearing our speakers, attending workshops, and most importantly, building community with others who share your heart.
We’ll provide the space. You make the time. Together, let’s move FWD at our national gathering in Dallas, Oct. 9-12.