Have you heard there is a new dialogue among evangelicals today regarding our need to have a compassionate, Biblical response to the often politically polarizing conversation about immigration? Since the recent Presidential election, the press has been buzzing about the Hispanic vote and immigration …
A Dreamer’s Perspective
How does Obama's June 15th announcement impact a dreamer? I was brought to the U.S. from Brazil by my parents at the age of nine. Hoping to grant my two younger siblings and I a better life, my parents sought to obtain legal status here. Unfortunately, they were notified by several attorneys that …
John M. Perkins, Justice, and Immigration
Personal Reflections on Injustice, Then and Now I spent most of last week in Jackson, Mississippi, on a retreat with some good friends from the Christian Community Development Association, hosted by the John M. Perkins Foundation. Dr. Perkins, who is now 81 years old, is one of my heroes. Born into …
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Taking the Long View vs. the Fierce Urgency of Now
Lessons from Arizona Arizona won a significant victory yesterday when Russell Pearce, author of SB1070, lost in a first-ever recall election. It was not without great effort. I’m reflecting today on the lessons of the work and how we traveled from the darkness of SB1070 to the hope we feel …
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Our Journey Together
CCDA’s days of learning and witness on immigration reform When Kit Danley of Neighborhood Ministries in Phoenix, Arizona, toured the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati with fellow CCDA board member Mary Nelson during the 2009 CCDA conference, she couldn't shake a feeling of …
A Beautiful View
Coming home to Vista Hermosa When they were teenagers, Suzanne Broetje and Laura Peréz moved with their families to a valley along the Snake River in southeastern Washington State. Their first experiences of the place couldn’t have been more different. Suzanne’s parents, Cheryl and Ralph …