For there shall be a sowing of peace; the vine shall yield its fruit, the ground shall give its produce, and the skies shall give their dew Zechariah 8:12a (NRSV)ShalomShalom is more than just peace, more than just unity; it’s a concept encompassing wholeness, well-being, justice, development, and …
Five Resources for Peacemaking
Peace is something we all long for in our lives and communities, but it doesn't always come easily. No matter the circumstances we find ourselves in, we can be those who pursue peace. We can be the peacemakers in our families, neighborhoods, churches, and communities. In a time of deep divisions, …
Peace is Wellbeing
Welcome to #ccdaAdvent.In the midst of darkness, oppression, and marginalization, Christ entered the scene of the first Advent and paved the way for our communal wellbeing. This Advent season, we invite you to consider what wellbeing meant for the community of first Advent. What lessons may we draw …
A Foundation of Justice
By Mayra Macedo-Nolan, CCDA Board ChairThe majestic crown of the City of Roses, otherwise known as Pasadena City Hall, was the backdrop for two protests that drew significantly diverse crowds in support of the #blacklivesmatter movement. Dozens of faith leaders and their congregations, a couple …