Peace In Thin Places by Bruce RhodesThis advent 2018, I’ve been thinking about how much darker the world would be if God had not revealed himself to the humble humans that make up the Christmas story. The messages God sent to his people prepared the world for a sacred moment: the welcoming of …
Hopeby Adriana Mondragon-HillThrough every mountain high and every valley low, God reveals Himself to be true to His Word and promises. I choose to trust Christ daily, especially during seasons of turbulence, whether in my personal life or throughout the world. Trusting Christ reminds me that I …
Joy in Uncertainty
Different Bible translations are a true gift. Being able to read from any and every translation we can get our hands on can give us a fuller sense of how the Scriptures are speaking to us, especially when it comes to a passage that can be hard to understand. So, when I come across passages like 1 …
May it Be to Me
In the midst of our weary, dark, and broken world, we wait for the fulfillment of the impossible: light will break through, oppression will cease, peace is possible, and salvation is imminent. This legacy of belief in the Church was mothered by the most unlikely of women - Mary. This young, …
Over the past few months, I’ve been having an on-off conversation with my dear friend Katrina, who gave me permission to include some of her reflections here. For several years, Katrina had been confronted by a painfully unanswered prayer - the kind of unanswered prayer that disorients you. It …
Pay Attention: Hope is on the way!
Not too long ago, I had the pleasure of enjoying dinner with some friends and acquaintances. Over the course of the meal, the conversation evolved into one regarding racial reconciliation, and how we, as the Church can engage in this divine, yet challenging, mandate. After several minutes of …
"For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn" This simple line from the well-known Christmas hymn, "O Holy Night" depicts the disruption of light, seen from a distance, yet breaking through darkness that first Christmas thousands of years ago. As we come to our final week in Advent, we are …
Patience and longsuffering
Patience and longsuffering. The essentiality of patience and longsuffering during this Advent season may be just the discovery Christians require as 2016 comes to an end. It has certainly come as a much needed discovery in my own life as the insidious beast, known as depression, debilitates …