Welcome to Locked in Solidarity.
Since 2014, we have been setting aside time the second week of February for Locked in Solidarity, as CCDA’s National Awareness & Action Week on Mass Incarceration. Locked in Solidarity creates the space needed to listen to stories of people in our communities who are directly impacted, to learn about the greater impact of mass incarceration, to pray, and to engage public sector officials who have the power and position to impact change.
Join us!
We invite you to join us by learning more and loving those affected by incarceration in your community. Then, we encourage you to courageously take a step to host awareness events and advocate for them in your spheres of influence.
Why Should We Care?
CCDA communities know firsthand the impacts of mass incarceration and are working to develop a strategic, sustainable advocacy to influence systemic change. We are actively engaging people in our association and the broader community through spiritual formation, education, leadership development and bringing our experiences and understanding to public square.
While it is essential to look at the systemic injustices and work to ensure that there are just public policies in place at federal, state and local levels when engaging mass incarceration, people can also engage the issue with solutions beyond a legislative response.
Churches and community-based programs that work with prevention, intervention, support for families separated by incarceration, and re-entry are all essential to providing support to those impacted by this growing phenomenon. We, as faith communities, need to look for opportunities to serve those affected with support services. Read more on our white paper here.
Getting Started
Start here to help educate and strengthen your community’s collective understanding of the issues around mass incarceration and how to get involved in collaborative change.
A Glimpse: Facts around Mass Incarceration
Prison Policy Initiative is a great resource for learning more about mass incarceration. Take a look at:
- Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2020
- COVID-19 & the Criminal Justice System
- Winnable criminal justice reforms in 2024
- Restorative Justice Resource Guide
Resources from Practitioners

Raising Awareness in your Community
There is opportunity to make each day’s action and/or event unique to your community, and as such, we encourage you to follow these general guidelines:
- Register your event online so we can support you from the national office as well as share the collective work we are doing throughout the country.
- Host your event in a church, public venue or community center some time during the second week of February
- Have people directly impacted by incarceration share their stories and experiences
- Invite important community leaders to share this opportunity: police officers, school leadership, elected officials at local, state and federal levels
- Make it an open event so that community members and media will be able to attend
- Use and encourage the use of #lockedinsolidarity for all your social media surrounding the event
- Utilize the Locked in Solidarity graphic to promote your event – flyers and Facebook events
- Collect names and contact information of individuals who are wanting to more deeply engage a movement to overturn mass incarceration
- Register an articulate community member/leader to be the media contact for your site
- Share at least three names and contact information of local individuals with the CCDA National office who are willing to speak to media if asked.
Event Planning

Utilizing LIS as a Media Tool
Sharing how mass incarceration impacts our CCDA communities is essential. Utilizing media is an important way to raise awareness and take action. Some of us live in communities impacted by mass incarceration or have attended a CCDA conference to learn more about the broken system. Others must be made aware of the far-reaching impacts of mass incarceration so they can join us in the collective effort to dismantle this injustice.
Media is a great way to get people interested in your community’s LIS event, and can be used to share information we learn while there. Sharing photos, videos, or thoughts is an accessible way to inspire, train, and connect your community to take action.

Utilizing LIS as an Advocacy Tool
Locked in Solidarity is our national week of awareness and ACTION around mass incarceration. We recognize that while it is good to be aware of an issue that is impacting our communities and support those voices impacted, we want to take what we have heard and learned and move into a direct action response.
One of the primary purposes of LIS is to create an opportunity to do direct advocacy. Public sector officials need to know that there are leaders in their community who want to work together to impact change on this issue. Those officials can be, but are not limited to: police officers, sheriffs, ICE detention officers, school & community officers, public defenders, prosecutors, the mayor or city manager, local school board & council members, state level and federal elected officials, state and county department heads and staff who work under the judicial branch.
Share with the Association
As mentioned earlier, we want to raise our collective voice as an association around the issue of mass incarceration. Let us know what you are learning, what you did for your event, or specific advocacy initiatives you were a part of during #LockedInSolidarity. You can share your feedback here. May God empower us to love and courageously advocate for those affected by incarceration. #WeAreCCDA