Our Vision:
Since 2014, we have been setting aside time during the second week of February for Locked in Solidarity, as CCDA’s National Awareness & Action Week on Mass Incarceration. Locked in Solidarity creates the space needed to listen to stories of people in our communities who are directly impacted, to learn about the greater impact of mass incarceration, to pray, and to engage public sector officials who have the power and position to impact change.
We invite you to join us by learning more and loving those affected by incarceration in your community. Then, we encourage you to courageously take a step to host awareness events and advocate for them in your spheres of influence.
Locked in Solidarity 2025
This year’s theme was Interrupting Violence. We learned from those who are violence interrupters and learned ways that we can do the same in our communities and contexts.
Here are some of this year’s resources so you can continue this work all year long.
For more on Interrupting Violence, check out these articles:
The Prisoner Who Planted a Church on Death Row
‘Locked in Solidarity’ event focused on interrupting violence in the community

Get started today.
Reading through the LIS toolkit will give you a great basis for learning about mass incarceration and for equipping you to raise awareness in your community. Take time to peruse our resources and grow in your understanding. Then, you can do something as simple as a one-time screening of When They See Us, 13th, Just Mercy, or Dominique Gilliard’s video series on Rethinking Incarceration and have a discussion afterward. Or you can do a week-long series of events, including an open mic night, testimonies from those formerly incarcerated, preaching your Sunday sermon about justice, etc. More ideas are available in the toolkit and in the links below.
Locked in Solidarity Network
The Locked in Solidarity Network is an informal band of CCDA leaders & partners from cities across the United States who share a common passion for mass incarceration and who seek company, wisdom, and practical assistance in local engagement and collective, national response.
Connect with practitioners in your area.
Below are members working to end mass incarceration across the U.S.
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