We reached out to our members and friends who were in the path of Hurricane Ida and asked what we could be praying for them about and how we could be supporting them. Below you will find a list of organizations associated with CCDA affected by the storm, as well as prayer requests we received. Please pray, reach out, and support our brothers and sisters in the association during this time of need.
If you are a member organization of CCDA that was affected by Hurricane Ida and would like to include your website to the list below, please email christina@ccda.org
Church/Organization | Website |
Perkins Foundation | https://www.jvmpf.org/ |
Southwood Presbyterian Church | southwood.org |
InterVarsity | https://intervarsity.org/chapters |
Life Model Works & Other Side Living Ministries | othersideliving.net |
House to House | www.h2hlife.org |
Together for Hope | http://hope.cbf.net/ |
CPM Bible College | www.centerpeaceministries.com |
Christian Service Mission | www.csmission.org |
The Restoration Initiative for Culture and Community | https://www.thericc.org/ |
New Orleans Baptist Association | http://joinnoba.com/ |
Delta Hands for Hope | https://www.deltahandsforhope.org/ |
Sowing Seeds of Hope | http://ssohope.org |
Lakeside United Methodist Church | https://www.facebook.com/lumchuntsville/ |
Ministry with the Poor NAC | https://www.facebook.com/Serve.Act.Share/ |
Build UP | www.buildup.work |
Oak Tree Ministries | https://oaktreeministries.org |
REAL Christian Foundation Inc. | https://realchristianfoundation.org/ |
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship | https://cbf.net/ |
Mission Mississippi | http://missionmississippi.org/ |
The Church at Brook Hills – City Ministries | www.brookhills.org |
Vieux Carre Baptist Church | https://www.vieuxcarrechurch.org/ |
St. Roch Community Church | www.strochcc.org |
Prayer Requests
- Our social enterprises that employ people from hard places will be closed for a month because of catastrophic power loss.
- We have had two employees in our network of ministries to lose everything.
- Feeling the strain of the pandemic and a natural disaster layered on top is pretty rough
- Please be praying for our city and our region as we head into the deep end of hurricane season with our resources and infrastructure already severely compromised.
- Please pray for our neighbors as many of them are facing extreme heat and frequent flash flood warnings with no power and little to no ability to access emergency relief.
- Please pray for our ministry as we continue to seek out our people that we have lost contact with and strive to care for one another and our neighbors trusting God’s wisdom and provision to direct and strengthen our efforts.
- Compounding trauma is a real thing, and its burden is being felt by everyone right now.
- Please pray that the Lord will provide for us in our time without a pastor and pray that He would bring us the person he has for us!
- We still have plenty of folks here who are in need of things like tree removal and tarps on roofs, and now with Tropical Storm Nicholas rolling through, most likely there will be more water damage and probably some flooding. Our city is also failing in so many areas and one of them is trash pickup. This may sound small but this problem actually started before Hurricane Ida and many people haven’t had their trash picked up since August 21st! It’s discouraging at a time when we could really just use some hope/help. We walk outside every day to trash, flies, and the whole city just smells :/