From small beginnings, Craig Wong pioneered what has become an exciting and important forum for CCDA's future For the past twelve [National Conferences], CCDA board member Craig Wong has faithfully hosted a small networking [lunch] to gather Asians of every ethnicity. [In 2009], which marked the [...]Read More
Triumphing in Tough Time$
Ministry Leaders Offer Their Strategies Restorer Editor, Pam Touissant interviews the Executive Directors of three CCD Ministries to get tips on how to keep their programs financially sustainable in difficult times. Ministry Leaders Offer Their Strategies Crissy Brooks Executive [...]Read More
True Advocacy: Beyond the Protest Sign
An Interview with Craig Wong, Executive Director, Grace Urban Ministries, San Francisco Long-time CCDAer, Craig Wong is a Chinese-American, attending a church of mostly middle-class professionals in the Bay Area, and ministering in a neighborhood called "The Mission District," a struggling Latino [...]Read More