As many of you know, I recently returned from a 6-month sabbatical from my work with CCDA. In my absence, our entire staff––but particularly Dave Clark––had to carry a huge load, for which I will be eternally grateful. While my entire sabbatical was filled with fabulous experiences and much needed …
Market Solutions for Community Transformation
Who should attend? Schedule Presenters Blog Register Onsite Community economic development—implemented collaboratively, creatively and with justice—is critical to CCDA’s vision of flourishing …
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The Word of Reconciliation
Friends, we are gathered here this morning to reflect on a text that stands at the heart of the church’s mission: 2 Corinthians 5:14-6:2, the great text in which Paul speaks of New Creation and the ministry of reconciliation. I suspect this Scripture is likewise, for many of you, close to the heart …
CCDA Board Members Respond to the Shooting of Ferguson Police Officers
Last week my heart sunk as I heard about shots being fired at officers in Ferguson, Mo. I have been a police chaplain for the past 15 years in the LA area, and I live with the fear that something like this may happen to one of my officers. Since the death of Michael Brown, there has been an increase …
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Locked in Solidarity 2015
Today is the day I choose to walk out my truth. I am a former offender and I was incarcerated. I have been home for three years and during that time I experienced some of the best and worst moments of my life, specifically carrying feelings of shame and guilt.... The stigma of being labeled a felon …
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Today we honor the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by reflecting on the ministry of reconciliation. Please join us by listening to a short YouTube clip from Dr. King’s last speech before his assassination. This speech was given in Memphis, TN, the location of our 2015 National …
CCDA Biblical Justice Committee’s Response to the Killing of Unarmed Black Citizens
As ambassadors of reconciliation and representatives of the Kingdom of God, we fundamentally oppose the epidemic of unarmed black men being killed by police officers. We mourn with the families and communities who have lost loved ones; we weep, grieve, and lament alongside of them. Additionally, …
Tired, But We Will Get On Our Way
I am tired. I am tired of all the talk about injustice and little action; I am tired of the racism that goes mostly unquestioned. I am tired of the poverty that takes lives every day, of walking through slums and shantytowns. I am tired of the excuses that privileged white folks …