Dear Familia, This past Sunday, churches across the globe celebrated Pentecost, the day we as Christians mark the arrival of the Holy Spirit after the death, resurrection and ascension of Christ. As I have considered the significance of this time in history and this moment in ours, I am drawn to …
Christ the Convict
Isn’t it odd that Christendom—that huge body of humankind that claims spiritual descent from the Jewish carpenter of Nazareth –claims to pray to and adore a being who was a prisoner of Roman power, an inmate of the empire’s death row? Mumia Abu-Jamal (American activist serving a life sentence) Jens …
"For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn" This simple line from the well-known Christmas hymn, "O Holy Night" depicts the disruption of light, seen from a distance, yet breaking through darkness that first Christmas thousands of years ago. As we come to our final week in Advent, we are …
Patience and longsuffering
Patience and longsuffering. The essentiality of patience and longsuffering during this Advent season may be just the discovery Christians require as 2016 comes to an end. It has certainly come as a much needed discovery in my own life as the insidious beast, known as depression, debilitates …
Anticipation. It’s a positive re-frame for the simple fact that we wait for things. We wait in line to buy tea or a snack, we wait for a friend to return a phone call, we wait for our day to end, or our day to begin. We anticipate what’s coming next, and in doing so, we wait. In fact, sometimes …
Camino Devotional 11: August 30, 2016
LECTURA: ISAÍAS 53:2b-4 (NVI) 2 No había en él belleza ni majestad alguna; su aspecto no era atractivo y nada en su apariencia lo hacía deseable. 3 Despreciado y rechazado por los hombres, varón de dolores, hecho para el sufrimiento. Todos evitaban mirarlo; fue despreciado, y no lo …
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Camino Devotional 10: August 29th, 2016
Black & Brown Moving Forward Together “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”- Luke 22:31-32 Peter’s journey with Jesus …
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Camino Devotional 9: August 28th, 2016
Luke 13:10-17 10 Now he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath.11 And just then there appeared a woman with a spirit that had crippled her for eighteen years. She was bent over and was quite unable to stand up straight. 12 When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said, “Woman, you …
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