When I saw that Isaiah 40:29-31 would be the theme Scripture for the CCDA Conference this year, something within me resounded. The Scripture took me back to the days of my childhood, when during our nightly prayer times with my parents, my dad would sing this Scripture over us. I distinctly …
Charlotte Justice Conference & why you should come to Charlotte
Keyona Osborne-Pannell & Tim Nicodemus are an integral part of the Charlotte Justice Conference, that was inspired in part by the CCDA National Conference. They wanted to take their call to justice past lip service. So, they created a conference that is contextualized, that listens to the needs …
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Planting Seeds of Hope
A reflection on the intersection of gardening & activism I’ve been thinking about seeds a lot lately. It’s Spring, and I’m a gardener. Years ago I moved to a house with a small patch of dirt – about three square feet. One day as I was at my local Walgreens I saw seed packets marked 10 for $1. …
Answering the Call: Rooted and Ready
By Noel Castellanos Over the last 30 years, CCDA has been a catalyst for envisioning and encouraging leaders like myself to follow God’s calling to work among the poor throughout our nation. The organization has taught me about the three R’s and 8 Key Components of CCDA. I was exposed to other …
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Networking Sessions: A Unique & Intimate Experience
by Heather Beaudoin As a CCDA member and staff member of Equal Justice USA, I’ve been incredibly grateful to CCDA for giving us the opportunity to host a networking session during the annual national conference. This will mark the 4th year that we’ve hosted a networking session, and looking back, …
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My first CCDA Conference
I'll never forget the Fall of 2002. It was my first CCDA Conference held at Lake Avenue Church in Pasadena, California. Being new to the world of urban ministry I wasn't sure what to expect, and what I found was well beyond anything I anticipated. There was a sense of family in the CCDA network that …
Witnessing the power of CCD principles
My first introduction to CCDA was reading the book, "Restoring At-Risk Communities" by John M. Perkins in 1999 and subsequently attending the New York CCDA Conference in 2000. The book in itself had already turned my world upside down. Then, being at the Conference and amongst so many beautiful …
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