October is domestic violence awareness month. One in four women will suffer domestic violence in their lifetime according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV). While domestic violence happens in every community and affects all people regardless of race, age, gender, religion, …
En el Camino de los Sueños: La Parábola del buen Americano
Bajaba un hombre de Jerusalén a Jericó, y cayó en manos de unos ladrones. Le quitaron la ropa, lo golpearon y se fueron, dejándolo medio muerto. 31 Resulta que viajaba por el mismo camino un sacerdote quien, al verlo, se desvió y siguió de largo. 32 Así también llegó a aquel lugar un levita y, al …
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On the Journey of Dreams: The Parable of the ‘Good American’
30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 …
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CCDA and Education Equity
I am the product of a private, 12 year Catholic education generously made possible by my aunt who was a former elementary school teacher in Cuba. When I started school, I spoke only Spanish and found no sympathy or consolation from my teachers in this English-only setting. This was par for the …
DACA has been rescinded
Dear CCDA Familia, It is with deep sadness I share the news that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) has been repealed. President Trump had the opportunity and the power entrusted to him by the American people to value human lives over political campaign promises and keep DACA in …
Our Journey Toward Social Enterprise
When I think about the thousands of families in my city of Fresno that are affected by unemployment and the cycles of poverty entrenched in our systems, I reflect on Nobel Peace Prize recipient Mohammad Yunus’ famous words. Poverty is not created by poor people but by the system we have built, the …
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Pastor Noe Nolberto Carias Mayorga
Dear Brothers, Sisters, Allies: Yesterday morning, July 24th, Pastor Noe Nolberto Carias Mayorga of the Iglesia Pentecostal Cristo la Roca de Poder Asambleas de Dios was detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Los Angeles. Pastor Carias: Is an Evangelical Assemblies of God Pastor …
A Pentecost Reflection
Dear Familia, This past Sunday, churches across the globe celebrated Pentecost, the day we as Christians mark the arrival of the Holy Spirit after the death, resurrection and ascension of Christ. As I have considered the significance of this time in history and this moment in ours, I am drawn to …