My Dear CCDA Family, Eighteen years ago, I walked wide-eyed into the worship space at Lake Avenue Baptist Church for my very first CCDA Conference. It’s a time I will never forget. I remember thinking, I’ve had more aha moments at Conference than in all my years in the church and seminary. From that …
Brown Church: Five Centuries of Latina/o Social Justice, Theology, and Identity
By Robert Chao RomeroRosa was excited about attending her first college lecture. She was valedictorian, the star student of her local CCDA youth development program, and the first of her family to attend college. Rosa’s Mom and Dad were deacons in their local church and had brought her up to …
A Foundation of Justice
By Mayra Macedo-Nolan, CCDA Board ChairThe majestic crown of the City of Roses, otherwise known as Pasadena City Hall, was the backdrop for two protests that drew significantly diverse crowds in support of the #blacklivesmatter movement. Dozens of faith leaders and their congregations, a couple …
To my people – the white ones,
By Michelle Ferrigno Warren,Advocacy & Strategic Engagement DirectorTo my people-the white ones,I am glad you are marching. I am glad you are feeling a sense of outrage. The movement is kindly allowing you to join so please quickly learn your place not just for this moment but for the …
Engaging in Prophetic Witness
by Lisa Rodriguez-WatsonDirector of Leadership Development & Training It’s been a devastating few weeks. Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, 100,000 COVID deaths, violence in our streets, extreme action by some, inaction by others, silence and complicity, curfews, virtue signaling, …
CCDA’s Response in this Critical Moment
Dear CCDA Family, There are moments when it is difficult to know what to say as leaders. Many of us find ourselves in such a moment as we try to comprehend what is ever-present before us. This week, we watched as Minneapolis resident George Floyd desperately pleaded for his life, while an …
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A Story of Hope: Loving Immigrants and the Homeless during Covid-19 in Austin, TX
Pastor Aaron & Dr. Michelle ReyesIt was another hot day in Austin. Our shirts felt sticky from the heat as we hauled another 10-gallon jug of water to the homeless camp near our home. Tucked away under a major overpass in East Austin is a row of fifteen tents, each a different color and faded by …
An Educator’s Lesson in the Time of Remote Learning
by Daniel KimDevelopment Director/Faculty at Rise University Preparatory SchoolThis is not a post about how we have mastered Zoom for our 60 students at our school that serves low-income, first generation-to-college middle schoolers. I am proud though of our team of teachers and students at Rise …
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