As Christ followers, we remind our President and our government that every human being is created in the image of God, and merits being treated with dignity. We are committed to following the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth regarding our treatment of all human beings, especially the vulnerable …
Camino de Sueños: From Detroit to DC
Dear Familia, Since launching CCDA’s Camino de Sueños in Detroit on October 5th, 2017, I have been amazed at how powerfully I have sensed feelings of kinship and connectedness with others who are committed to walking with Dreamers until a new, clean Dream Act is passed by Congress. In …
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DACA has been rescinded
Dear CCDA Familia, It is with deep sadness I share the news that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) has been repealed. President Trump had the opportunity and the power entrusted to him by the American people to value human lives over political campaign promises and keep DACA in …
A Pentecost Reflection
Dear Familia, This past Sunday, churches across the globe celebrated Pentecost, the day we as Christians mark the arrival of the Holy Spirit after the death, resurrection and ascension of Christ. As I have considered the significance of this time in history and this moment in ours, I am drawn to …
Thanksgiving and lament, gratitud y lamento
Thanksgiving and lament, gratitud y lamento. The both/and of kingdom theology charges us with the need to inhabit both those spaces. As Christians, we see this contrast and presence in so many places throughout Scripture. One could even argue that the themes of thanksgiving and lament are the most …
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Hope and expectation
I just returned from a one day trip to Detroit where we began to solidify our host committee planning with local leaders in anticipation of our national conference in October of 2017. While there's great excitement for next year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the Camino and the 2016 national …
The Beautiful Diversity of God’s Familia
This past month I have become even more acutely aware of how diverse, complex, and amazing the human family really is. Yet, with so many differences our shared longings and capacities to love, to be kind and, regrettably, to engage in inexplicable evil unite us as well. We have quite a global human …
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A Letter from our CEO & President
Dear CCDA Familia, Feliz Año Nuevo! I can't remember when I was more excited to begin a new year. After being away the first three months of 2015, I am feeling rested, energized and excited to lead CCDA into a new year of serving you, our members, as you labor to love those on the margins for the …