This year, Lent has felt especially heavy. Violent conflict is tearing at the seams of our global family. Ideological difference and dehumanizing rhetoric exacerbated by an election season again threatens our relationships. A very natural response is to reach for power in order to protect ourselves, our sense of certainty, and our experience of stability. Yet, reaching for power is not the example we’re given during Holy Week. Rather, releasing our grasp on power and reaching for the hands of one another is the divine invitation offered in this sacred season.
To help us move in this direction, CCDA has partnered with Global Immersion to craft this Holy Week devotional guide. Beginning on Palm Sunday, this resource features art, short reflections, and breath prayers crafted by Everyday Peacemakers from throughout our global community. Through this guide, let’s join together as one family as we seek to follow the crucified and resurrected One for the good of the world.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to reflect with us on Christ’s path to the cross. Each day, there will be unique content to help you engage with God during this Holy Week.