Judy Nugent works with The First Village, a local church she was led to start in an apartment complex just across the street from her after several encounters with her neighbors, like a man who had just been released from prison and another walking away from drugs. The name is inspired by Luke 9:6. …
CCDA’s Beginnings
For two decades, CCDA has inspired, trained and connected Christians who are restoring under-resourced communities throughout the world. The annual National Conference, which began with 200 attendees, now attracts a faithful, multi-racial contingent of 2000-plus. In the words of Dr. John Perkins and …
Asian Roundtable Heats Up
From small beginnings, Craig Wong pioneered what has become an exciting and important forum for CCDA's future For the past twelve [National Conferences], CCDA board member Craig Wong has faithfully hosted a small networking [lunch] to gather Asians of every ethnicity. [In 2009], which marked the …