I just returned from a one day trip to Detroit where we began to solidify our host committee planning with local leaders in anticipation of our national conference in October of 2017. While there's great excitement for next year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the Camino and the 2016 national …
Camino Devotional 11: August 30, 2016
LECTURA: ISAÍAS 53:2b-4 (NVI) 2 No había en él belleza ni majestad alguna; su aspecto no era atractivo y nada en su apariencia lo hacía deseable. 3 Despreciado y rechazado por los hombres, varón de dolores, hecho para el sufrimiento. Todos evitaban mirarlo; fue despreciado, y no lo …
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In Legacy of César Chávez: Robert Chao Romero
Inspired by César Chávez and the Chicana/o civil rights movement of the 1960’s, I am walking El Camino to declare that Jesus loves and cares for immigrants, and that our broken immigration system desperately needs to be reformed. On March 17, 1966, Chávez and the farmworker community embarked …
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Melina Rapazzini: Why I am doing El Camino
As a middle class, suburban-dwelling, white girl, I did not meet immigrants or refugees in America until I sought out a narrative different from which I was raised. Last summer I obtained a grant to organize and run a summer camp for children in Oakland, CA, who were largely refugees and …
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Bethany Anderson: Why I am doing El Camino
In 2013, I had the opportunity to participate in a public display of solidarity with my immigrant brothers and sisters on the lawn of Congress in Washington DC through the Fast 4 Families. I was almost a decade into my journey of understanding our broken immigration system in the context of the …
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A Call for Unity in the Body: Dominique Gilliard
I am participating in the CCDA Camino because I cannot apathetically watch families be torn apart, laborers economically exploited, and entire people groups dehumanized and depicted as criminals. In the midst of such darkness, the Church is called to bear witness to the light, who is Jesus …
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Felicia Graham: Why I am doing El Camino
This summer has been bittersweet. The bitter part of this summer has been losing family members. My Uncle Greg, my Tio Agustine, and my cousin Norma all passed away within weeks of each other. At my Tio Agustine’s funeral, I had the honor of meeting my 96-year-old Tia Concha. I also learned that my …
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Vota Por Mi: The Immigrants Behind the Vote
Later this month, I’ll be taking a long walk. While I won’t be able to participate in the full eleven-day journey, I’ll be joining the final few days of El Camino del Inmigrante; a walk from the US-Mexico border up to Downtown Los Angeles, where CCDA’s annual conference will take place this …
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