This week’s blog contains images from Lisa Rodriguez-Watson’s recent trip to the Holy Land. These images were taken in Bethlehem on the separation wall between the West Bank and Israel.
As we observe Holy Week, these images and corresponding prayers can serve as reminder of the purpose of the cross and the love that was poured out – for us individually, for our communities and for the systems that shape them.
What must it have felt like to enter the holy city knowing that the warm welcome would shift to betrayal, an unjust trial, and a brutal death? The depth of that love is hard for me to fathom – still, help me to perceive it and take courageous steps toward self giving love.
When the walls of our hearts manifest in walls that divide our communities and countries, help us see the other with compassion, as image bearers and not as enemies. Remind us that you tore down the wall of hostility through your death on the cross.
When vulnerable children become victims in the games of violence played by the powerful – forgive us. We lament our complicity by our actions and inaction that allow children to suffer. Your words remind us that the Kingdom belongs to such as these.
Grant us childlike hope. Though the barbs of the earthly kingdom remain, hope’s foundation is laid in the Kingdom to come. Give us resurrection hope this week.
We pray for peace to reign in our cities and towns. As the warming of Spring often signals the rise of violence on our streets, grant that we would be peacemakers who seek your justice and shalom.
When fear sits crouching at our door, or is firmly enthroned on our hearts, deliver us. Remind us of your words “do not be afraid” and help our unbelief. We are not slaves to fear… because not even death has the last word. Your completed work on the cross and in the resurrection sets us free.
Hold us firm in the steadfast truth of your love as we close this Lenten season.
Thank you for the cross and for the power of the resurrection that lives in us by the Holy Spirit. Amen