A dear sister in Guatemala shared, “Don’t see immigrants as a problem but as a blessing. Migration is giving you the opportunity to love your neighbors, touching and hugging those that no one wants to touch. Every person that crosses your doorway is an opportunity to be part of the Kingdom. Jesus is either going to reward us or demand an account for our actions.”
As CCDA practitioners, we want to know our Christian community development counterparts in contexts outside of the United States. Below are two ways CCDA is trying to journey alongside immigrants across the world.
CCDA Global Connections Trip to Central America
CCDA Global Connections recently mobilized some of our practitioners on a trip to Central America to cultivate strategic relationships, discover signs of hope and envision our role in God’s restorative story together.
As visitors, the group only scratched the surface of nations filled with pain and suffering while also getting a glimpse of the beauty and resilience in the hearts of our brothers and sisters who have stayed and are paving a path forward. We realize are not carriers of solutions but we are called to share the struggles of our brothers and sisters listening compassionately and sharing what we have learned.
Read our 6-part series below:
Who is my Neighbor? Central America Blog SeriesCCDA Southwest Border Conference
The Southwest and Southern California CCDA Local Networks are hosting their regional conference on February 21-23, 2019 in San Diego, CA. They will be attending the Cultivate Conference as well as have a pre-conference event that will include:
- Border Immersion trip into Tijuana
- Plenary’s
- Go-and-See’s
- Workshops
- Networking Dinner
- Art
- Children/Youth.programming
Find more information below:
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