Learn Christian Community Development from experienced practitioners around the country through this premium online course! In collaboration with the American Bible Society, CCDA is proud to bring its inaugural online course to help strengthen your ministry and grow your love for God’s Word.

The Immerse Series will take you and your small group or team through a process of reimagining and applying key components of the Christian Community Development (CCD) philosophy.
Upon completion, you will be well equipped with the necessary resources, insights, and practical skills for engaging with other local leaders and residents in the renewal, restoration, and abundant community life of your neighborhood.
After finishing this intensive, easy-to-follow online course, you will be able to:
- Describe key components of CCD and why they are important
- Understand biblical foundations for CCD philosophy
- Apply insights from past and present CCD practitioners
- Identify practical next steps to engage with others in CCD in your community
Each course includes four different lessons:
Lesson 1 – Overview (including definition of key component)
Lesson 2 – Biblical Foundations (related to key component)
Lesson 3 – Fresh Perspectives (a practitioner’s story from a new perspective)
Lesson 4 – Next Steps Challenge (so what do we do?)
At the start of each course you can also subscribe to the week’s Digital Journeys created in partnership with the American Bible Society (ABS). Digital Journeys are daily devotionals corresponding to the CCD principle and their related biblical passages. Participants receive a link via text or email each day to the devotional that includes a brief prayer, reading, reflection and response.