For there shall be a sowing of peace; the vine shall yield its fruit, the ground shall give its produce, and the skies shall give their dew
Zechariah 8:12a (NRSV)
Shalom is more than just peace, more than just unity; it’s a concept encompassing wholeness, well-being, justice, development, and harmony. It speaks to a state of right relationship with God, with one another, and with creation, where nothing is missing and nothing is broken.
The prophet Zechariah speaks of a time when the seeds of peace are sown and we see its fruit: people gather together in the public square, children play in the streets.
But just as in gardening, the time between sowing and reaping isn’t easy or quick.
The 2025 CCDA conference explores how we can work together with Christ and our community to actively craft Shalom in this time marked by division and injustice where many are fearful. We will delve into the conversations necessary to confront systemic issues while simultaneously building bridges of understanding and working toward genuine reconciliation. It is not a passive peace, but an active pursuit of justice.
Cultivating Shalom requires us to acknowledge the brokenness in our world and within ourselves. It calls to listen to the voices of the marginalized, to challenge oppressive structures, to create economic opportunities, and to work toward a future where all people can experience the fullness of life that our Maker intends.
This conference will equip us as Christ followers with the tools, inspiration, and connection to creatively live out Shalom in our communities. For nearly 40 years, we’ve been gathering Shalom-makers together to love God and love neighbor.
Join us this fall.