God longs for shalom.
While we often witness broken relationships, divided communities, & poverty/violence in our neighborhoods, the good news is that God longs to bring shalom. In the language of the Old Testament, this wholeness is called shalom—a state where nothing is missing and nothing is broken.
Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) is a network of Christians committed to seeing people and communities experience God’s shalom. We believe that God wants to restore a right relationship between us, our families and our communities – spiritually, emotionally, physically, economically and socially. In the words of the Prophet Jeremiah, “we work and pray for the well-being of our city [or neighborhood],” trusting that if the entire community does well and prospers, then we will prosper also. CCDA started as a longing in the hearts of just a few people-you can read more about our history here.
We call those of us who orient our lives around this practice, Christian Community Development (CCD) Practitioners. As Practitioners, we commit to living out the philosophy of CCD in our lives and neighborhoods. We partner alongside God and our neighbors in the places they are already working to bring shalom to our communities – aspiring to make them places where nothing is missing and nothing is broken.